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Climate Change and Environment Consulting Case Studies


1 Year’s Data Is In, CCES Project Led To Avoided Cost Savings of $5.3 Million

Climate Change & Environmental Services (CCES) managed the construction management and environmental permitting for a major boiler modernization project for a large apartment complex in NYC that has reduced emissions and saved substantial energy costs. East River Housing (ERH) Corporation operates a boiler house providing heat and hot water to a number of apartment buildings with over 2,700 units plus a shopping center. It had been combusting over 2 million gallons of No. 6 fuel oil annually. ERH decided the time was right to modernize the boilers and switch fuel to natural gas.

ERH replaced one aging boiler with a new modern unit and renovated their other two existing boilers, installing new low NOx burners with flue gas recirculation. ERH worked with the local utility to bring a natural gas line into the boiler house for the fuel switch. No. 2 diesel oil is to be used as a backup during natural gas interruptions, necessitating the installation of a new tank farm replacing the No. 6 fuel oil tank farm. CCES carried out construction management to address scheduling and technical issues with the implementation of the installation and testing, as well as all environmental permitting.

The physical installations are complete and the plant has operated under natural gas for one full year now. CCES has assessed the cost savings and environmental benefits due to the project. Given natural gas being piped to the facility, removal of No. 6 oil tanks, and use of a modern No. 2 oil tank farm, ERH virtually eliminated the risk of a messy oil spill in the densely populated area. In addition, emissions of pollutants critical in an urban area all markedly dropped because of this project, such as NOx (85%), particulate matter (75%), greenhouse gases (equivalent of removing 4,600 cars from the road), and SO2 (99%). These reductions helped change the permitting status of ERH from major to minor, saving them much in fees and removing several regulatory requirements.

CCES determined that thermal efficiency improved by about 18% (fewer therms to create steam). CCES also calculated cost savings. In the 12 months of natural gas service (May 2012 through April 2013), ERH directly saved over $2.8 million (63%) in fuel costs compared to the previous 12-month period, despite this being a measurably colder winter than the one before. CCES also calculated avoided cost savings (added fuel costs ERH would have had to incur if ERH still combusted No. 6 fuel oil with the old boilers). The avoided cost savings for the 12-month period was conservatively estimated to be over $5.3 million. The project payback, initially anticipated to be about 4 years, will be under 2.5 years based on direct cost savings.

CCES has technical experts experienced in advising you of whether your combustion system can successfully be modernized like ERH, and in managing the entire effort.


Original Story

Rapid Payback and Solid ROI

There has literally been a revolution in energy-saving technologies in only the past few years. Not theoretical, but proven strategies that work in the field. A CCES energy audit can identify and cost out smart strategies to reduce energy use and costs quickly at your specific facility, paying back the investment in a short time.

Attract Tenants and Buyers

In addition to saving energy costs, CCES can identify smart strategies to help your building undeniably be more “green” which is of growing importance to more and more tenants and buyers. Whether you wish to meet an established certification standard like LEED or WELL, or more informal, CCES can identify and implement features to attract others.

Project Management and Experience

Marc Karell, P.E., CEM, EBCP, Principal of CCES, has worked in the energy and environmental fields for over 25 years, keeping abreast of innovations and incorporating best practices into CCES's project management approach. You can be assured of a high quality job with minimum allotment of your time. Marc is personally committed to the success of every CCES project.

Additional Benefits of Smart Technology

Besides saving significant energy costs and raising your asset's value and attractiveness to tenants, CCES's smart strategies we help you implement will enable you to run your operations more reliably, which your tenants expect. Also, your staff will spend less time “changing light bulbs” and other equipment, freeing them up to do other critical tasks.