CCES Performs NYC Local Law 87 (LL87) Compliance for 2 Beverage Warehouses
Climate Change & Environmental Services (CCES) was the lead engineer for Manhattan Beer Distributors’ efforts to comply with New York City Local Law 87 (LL 87). Manhattan Beer Distributors operates two warehouse/office complexes in Bronx, NY.
CCES performed the energy audit and the retro commissioning study for each 160,000+ sf facility to comply with NYC’s LL 87. An experienced CCES energy expert reviewed historic energy usage data, visited the facilities, and collected and analyzed technical data concerning its lighting, rooftop HVAC units, windows, and equipment operations. The data was used to develop an end-use estimate of electricity and natural gas usage by different equipment and operations. CCES developed a number of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) to reduce energy use and peak electricity demand, all with estimated costs, energy savings, and simple paybacks. Each strategy would result in a positive return on initial investment; potential financial incentives for the upfront costs through NYSERDA and Con Ed programs were considered in the calculations.
CCES also performed retro-commissioning of existing systems on-site at the two buildings, including inspecting HVAC, lighting, and building envelope. CCES determined a small number of deficiencies which Manhattan Beer Distributors quickly addressed to allow optimal operation of their systems.
Finally, CCES developed the appropriate reports required by LL 87, and submitted them to the NYC Dept of Buildings in a timely manner.