Town of Mamaroneck, NY Carbon Footprint
CCES performed the baseline and recent greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventories for activities controlled by the Town of Mamaroneck, NY. CCES made a presentation to major figures in Town government and departments about what sustainability is and why a high-quality carbon footprint would enable the Town to save costs, improve operating flexibility, and meet other goals. CCES then collected energy data from three different years of operation, integrated them and determined GHG emissions in each of three years. Town of Mamaroneck GHG emissions were reduced from the baseline year. CCES then also examined weather data to determine whether these decreases were weather-related (milder weather) or due to what particular activities. CCES determined that while a fraction of the decrease in the carbon footprint was due to less severe weather, changes in procedures in two departments also resulted in the decrease. CCES wrote a summary report presenting background, data and results and proposing potential changes to reduce their GHG emissions further.