Energy Efficient School Gets Energy Audit to Further Improve Energy Profile
CCES performed an energy audit and retro-commissioning study for a private school (United Lubavitch Yeshiva) in Brooklyn, NY to comply with NYC Local Law 87. The building had a Portfolio Manager score of 92, meaning it was more efficient than 92% of reporting schools nationwide. This became a challenge for CCES to perform the required ASHRAE Level II energy audit to determine cost-effective strategies to reduce even further their energy usage and save additional costs. CCES developed detailed strategies, including costs and savings, for six potential energy conservation measures (ECMs) that would help the school save even more energy at no or low cost, including installing renewable power. ULY is considering the recommendations seriously.
LL 87 also requires a retro-commissioning study with operational standards in 25 different energy areas that must be met. All 25 do not apply to the school. CCES’s analysis resulted in two areas where systems were not functioning properly. This is not a violation of LL 87; LL 87 merely requires the building to address the detected issue. CCES explained to ULY what needed to be done to meet standards. ULY addressed the two issues thoroughly and now have better operating systems. CCES prepared and submitted the forms and paperwork to comply with the rule for ULY.
CCES has the experts to perform any level of energy audit to determine and break down a facility or a space’s total energy usage and recommend ECMs to save energy usage and costs economically and without disrupting operations. We can provide information to help you understand and control your energy costs. Contact us today at 914-584-6720 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..