Climate Change & Environmental Services (CCES) performed an energy evaluation for a child care/senior care center in New York. The 20,000 square foot building had energy bills (electricity and gas) averaging about $10,000 per month. Energy costs threatened the financial viability of the center. A determination of potential energy saving strategies – small and large – to reduce energy usage and peak electric demand was needed.
CCES performed a comprehensive energy audit, meeting ASHRAE Level II standards for the center. CCES reviewed 3 years of recent energy usage and performed a walkthrough of the facility, collecting data. CCES developed a list of 10 strategies to reduce electricity and/or gas usage, all with positive payback, ranging from purchasing only ENERGY STAR products to upgrades of their HVAC system and installation of solar PV panels. CCES also recommended avenues to maximize financial incentives to partially pay the cost of implementing many of these suggested strategies.
The child care center was pleased with the long list of potential strategies, and will likely implement most, if not all of them in the near future to dig out of their heavy energy bills.
CCES has the experts to perform an energy audit of your building and develop multiple potential strategies for energy upgrades that will pay back the expenditure in a reasonable amount of time. We can also help you get government incentives to partially pay for this and financing so you pay nothing upfront for the upgrades and pay through the savings you achieve. Take advantage of the energy revolution for your maximum benefit. Contact us today at 914-584-6720 or at